Themes From The In Crowd

"La vita vivente sulle prime linee" Living life on the front lines... Musings from a Midwest Girl...


i'm back beeyochs!

I have had a difficult time getting back into the blog world. I need to write as it keeps me inspired, but I cannot write because I don’t feel inspired. What a catch 22, huh? I am hoping that doing some exercises in creativity (ie the thing below that Anne had on her blog and then some questions from Brett) will help to bring it back. Really, I need to devote some time and effort into it. I promise pictures, clip art, and interesting stories are coming!!

I Live: with a crazy boy whom my brother has nicknamed “6”
I Work: with a bunch of drama queens
I Talk: to Sean, Hugo and Tariina way to much during the day
I Wish: my cousin Gavin was not sick and that someone could make it better for him
I Enjoy: sleeping in, good books and staying home at night
I Look: for wedding rings on every man I meet
I Find: myself thinking about stupid things, too much
I Smell: the cologne of the hot volunteer sitting near me
I Listen: to all of Lauren’s advice in hopes that I will become a better person
I Hide: a lot more then I should
I Walk: because when I run I tend to fall
I See: that the cancellation of West Wing is going to be a huge problem for me
I Sing: everything…ask Brett…I can make anything into a song.
I Laugh: with my mouth wide open and my head thrown back
I Watch: sappy teenage movies and TV and can’t get enough!
I dream: about being pregnant all the time
I Want: about 10 Margaritas. right. now.
I Cry: usually when I am alone
I Burn: brownies…can’t seem to make them in our oven
I Read: anything I can get my hands on
I Love: someone but they don’t seem to care
I Sometimes: make things harder then they need to be
I Hurt: my effing elbow last night and I don’t know how
I Fear: that later I will regret the decision I make now.
I Hope: that my cousin learns you have to want to survive
I Break: things, but not as much as Adam does…
I Eat: a banana and a piece of toast every morning for breakfast
I Quit: caring if I was out every Friday and Saturday night
I Bathe: in a somewhat dirty shower
I Drink: water but most of the time I would rather be drinking beer
I Hug: everyone I know…what a good way to spread the love
I Meditate: before and after Yoga Booty Ballet
I Miss: having a tight group of friends
I Forgive: too quickly
I Drive: a Suzuki Esteem that goes by the name “Lalo”
I Have: a great life, a great job and wonderful friends
I Don't: smoke because it is gross
I Make: great food if I have the right ingredients
I Owe: my family everything in the world
I Feel: like I can’t wait for the sun to come out again
I Know: that I am where I should be right now
I Wonder: where I will be at this time next year