Themes From The In Crowd

"La vita vivente sulle prime linee" Living life on the front lines... Musings from a Midwest Girl...


It has been so long since I have written in this blog and for that I apologize. I have had a lot going on but seemingly now that I try to think about those things in my head I cannot come up with a damn thing I have done that would keep me from writing. Work has been crazy, so I suppose that my time at my desk usually used for writing in this blog, has been taken up by research, paying the bills, making sure people don’t get blown up in Amman…the usual. But here I am! I am back! Holiday craziness be damned I am writing in this freaking blog.

A recap of sorts. Turkey day was fun…we were at my Dad’s house which usually means good food but boring day. Ryan and I were forced to amuse ourselves with unending games of Life, Sorry and Rummikub. At ages 20 and 25 we still find it impossible to not take these games seriously and the threats of cheating and the like ensue. I won…all of the games…yes I did. I am an incredible gamming master and Ryan was fearful of my board game power. He cowered a bit in the corner…shed some tears, and then we headed back to my mom’s. On the boring scale mom’s is a little better as we have more to work with and she takes us to movies. Again, at 20 and 25 Ryan and I might as well still be in high school with how much we still rely on our mother to pay for things. But we had a good time and saw Pride and Prejudice, which was fantastic. Highly recommended!

After Turkey Day there wasn’t much hullabaloo…work and such. Christine’s birthday was this past weekend and Brett and I went to RockABilly night at Martyrs last week (for all of which there will be a subsequent post later today). It has been a good couple of weeks and I love the holidays so I am excited for the next month.

There you have it. The first of many. I will keep them coming, not that any of them are really interesting…