Themes From The In Crowd

"La vita vivente sulle prime linee" Living life on the front lines... Musings from a Midwest Girl...


These next few posts might go a little out of order, so forgive me for the jumping around of dates. I had to write about this while it was still fresh in my head.

Last night Brett and I had a wonderful evening. We ran some errands, got Chinese food, watched Related (“I love your sausage…no…I mean the taste”) our new favorite show and had a holiday activity night. The place is decorated (pics to come) as I spent a Sunday night last week fixing up the fireplace, the living room and the kitchen. It looks festive and we even have an Advent calendar. It is soo nice to have my own Advent calendars b/c my brother’s used to open up my dates-we shared one-and take out my toy or chocolate and then close the door so that when I opened it there was nothing in there. If my children ever do something that mean I.will. kill.them! Anyway the place was decked out, except for the Christmas tree!

Brett brought his tree up this weekend and I finished assembling it last night while he made a wreath for our door. His wreath is beautiful and the tree looks great in the corner of our living room. Our apartment is beginning to look like a real Christmas home. I love the holidays and Brett seems to be able to take ‘em or leave ‘em…but we had a good time last night. As we were finished we decided to watch “A White Christmas”

Sing it with me now “Sisters…Sisters…never were there more adoring sisters”

We mocked the entire soundstage production, but really and truly it did my soul well to begin celebrating. I slept better last night then I had in weeks and I think that is due to the fact that I finally relaxed, had fun not involving alcohol and enjoyed the holiday cheer. It is hard to be out of my Mom’s house for the Christmas season as she always makes it so special. Knowing I won’t be home for an extended break…just a visit here and there always returning to my own apartment, is a bit tough. I love holidays with my family so I am trying to recreate that a little with my city family.

I am certain that everything will come together nicely and I cannot wait until Brett and I have presents under the tree. Oh Yay!! However, the best part about the Holiday’s that brings me joy forever and ever is still yet to come. What is that, you ask? Watching my very very favorite TV Christmas special, which my bestie Lauren got on video for me last year...

Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas

With such lyrical wonders as "Ain't no hole in the washbin" and "Where the mountains meet the sea" Emmet Otter brings a tear to my eye every time. I love this movie and I think that I am going to make Brett watch it this evening in continuance of our holiday winter wonderland. If anyone else would like to come watch it you are more then welcome!!

Happy Holiday's folks...Feliz Navidad...Buon Natale...è qui a una stagione di amore (here is to a season of love)


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