Themes From The In Crowd

"La vita vivente sulle prime linee" Living life on the front lines... Musings from a Midwest Girl...


Birthday Fun for ME!!

So although I was in a funk at the beginning of my birthday celebrations, my friends were kind enough to show me the path...well the path to a lot of beer and much debaunchery.

We ended up going out the night of my birthday as it fell on a Friday evening (lucky girl!) and I had all of my wonderful friends from college and work out to the Full Shilling for some crazy times.

I chose the Full Shilling because they have $15 domestic table tappers (uh...8 glasses of beer for $15? can't beat it with a stick) however during the taxi ride over my brother's friend Hugo called to say "umm...Molly, do you know that there is Karaoke at the Shilling tonight?" This, of course, made me cringe...but my friends, in classic form, decided it was the best thing EVER and happily sung many a ballad dedicated to the birthday girl. (how lucky I lucky I am...) I am sure the rest of the Full Shilling was delighted to know that it was my birthday and that I brought 15 wasted people to celebrate and delight the crowd with their vocal stylings.

I had no intention of getting as drunk as I did...but shots upon shots upon beers later I found that I was feeling happy and ready to have a great time (not that I wasn't already). It was such a wonderful night. Most of my favorite people were there to help me ring in year 2-5 and I am ever so lucky to have the people around me that I love...

We missed some of the old OSLs (cough BFF cough cough Cara cough) but it was such a treat to have everyone else in one place. I am a lucky girl and I try not to take for granted the amazing things that I have been blessed with...the least of which being my amazing, kind, caring, vocally talented, fun and loving friends.

Here are some pictures of the night (I have more that I am waiting to get developed but these are teasers!)

Brittley Sue practicing her licking skills on that poor glass!

Meg...better know as "trouble with a capital T" and the roomie! This was looove at first sight!
Snydes TOTALLY getting ready to see me "Black Velvet" HOTT :-)

Jedders with two women on either per usual! Best picture of Brittley Sue, Jed my Love and Bestie Lauren EVEA!

Hopefully I will be able to post more pics lata! Thank you so much to everyone who came out and to those who sent well wishes! Thank you especially to those that drove so long to come celebrate and to Hugo for actually meeting me during a time that I can actually remember (ie when i am NOT fifteen years old) and...a special little shot out to Sveny who sent me the Madonna downloads as a bday present...hotness!! If only you had been there to balance a bottle on my head while I was passed out :-)

Lobe and kieses to everyone! Thanks for the great memories of my birthday!

Yay for my 25th year! I am sure it will bring great things!


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