Themes From The In Crowd

"La vita vivente sulle prime linee" Living life on the front lines... Musings from a Midwest Girl...


6 Questions from "6"

About 3 months ago my roomie Brett (or 6 as he is better known) asked me to send him questions for him to answer on his blog. As I am a very insightful, beautiful and obviously modest person :-) I gave him some spot-on questions and asked him to return the favor. After much badgering he has sent me four lovely questions with the promise of two more to come. Since it has been awhile since I have posted, I will answer most of the questions right now and hang on to my pretty little britches (really, they are pretty...I just went shopping) for the other two to come. Some of these questions are so very “Inside the Actor’s Studio”…I totally love it!

1)If you could go back and correct one mistake from your past or change one thing from your history, what would it be and why?
I try really hard not to have regrets. Turns out, as it always does, that most of the mistakes I have made in my life have been good for me in the end. Although there are certainly some things I wish I had done differently, I don’t have a lot that immediately comes to mind. I guess a regret I have is a compilation of the same mistake made over and over again…sometimes I allow my friends to be disposable. I try not to do it anymore, but good friends that I have had in the past have fallen by the wayside because we didn’t want to take enough time to keep in contact. People that I spent years cultivating friendships with have since been excommunicated from my life. I try hard not to let it happen now, but sometimes people slip through the cracks.

2)10 years ago, where did you think you’d be today? Today, where do you think you’ll be in 10 years?
I do not think that I had any idea where I would be at 25 when I was 15. I think I assumed that I would be happy and settled…at 15 I probably anticipated that at 25 I would be married to a fabulous man, living in the city and living the life of luxury. After 15 I think it quickly developed that I did not want to be married by 25, but still. It is an interesting concept of just how little you know about the real world at 15. I have never had any career passions…nothing that I had to do “career-wise”. I have never said "I must be a doctor" or "I must save the world" or "I have to come up with a new lipstick that looks great on and really does last 8 hours".

My passions have been friendships, loves, adventures and making the most out of the experiences you are lucky enough to have. At 15 I suppose I would have hoped those things would have happened/been happening and I think that they have. I think that at 15 I would have had no idea how wonderful my life would be at 25 or the great paths that I have taken to get to 25. I went to a great college, had/have crazy nights out, made fantastic friends, fallen in and out of love, had good jobs, traveled around the US, lived in a different country, traveled throughout Europe, learned a new language, been proposed to on a beach in Italy (a proposal I promptly turned down), found a job that actually utilizes my English degree, lived in a city I adore in an apartment I adore with a roommate that I love, made great new friends and continue to hope for more. I know that those things will continue.

At 25, thinking about me at age 35…its funny because I think I have the same thoughts as when I was 15 projecting to 25. Married to a fabulous man, living in the city and living the life of luxury…hopefully with children thrown in…I hope that I am happy with what I am doing and happy with myself. Everything else will fall into place, I assume...Really I can't anticipate where life will take me, only that I hope that along the way my family and friends are happy and healthy and that I enjoy the twists and turns.