Themes From The In Crowd

"La vita vivente sulle prime linee" Living life on the front lines... Musings from a Midwest Girl...


The Weekend

Not much craziness this weekend. I had to work on Saturday as we are having a big party for the Institute on Thursday. There are a lot of little preparations that go into something like this and they always pose the greatest problems. It is the little things that get missed and then there you are at 5pm saying “oh shit, I forgot the _____” and you have to run in heels and a skirt all the way back to the office only to return sweating and with a tear in your pantyhose. Yeah, it’s happened before.

So, I worked for a bit on Saturday and then James came to meet me in the city. It was a lovely time spent…he took the initiative to come all the way in to meet me while only have very little time to hang was so nice! He could have just gone home and relaxed (or gardened), but instead he decided to brave the city (and me) and I was delighted with the choice! There isn’t much to do for only a couple of hours in the city. But we walked down to Printers Row (only my favorite place in the world) and hung around in some book stores. There is nothing I love more then a book store. It makes me feel as if all is right in the cozy little world. The smell is incredible...the musty, papery smell…hundreds of books covering topics that I have yet to learn…texts ready to be absorbed. Ever so inspiring and humbling at the same time. It always makes me realize how much I still have to do.

So we just walked around the loop and south loop. I always have a good time with James…it is nice to be with him…I don’t really feel pressure when I am with him. I can just be my dorky-ass self and it seems that he is ok with that.

Speaking of James, he had a softball game on Sun. night at Seward Park…in order to get out of the house, Brett and I decided to go. The park is on the corner of Orleans and Elm. In the Ghetto. Literally. I was unsure if Brett and I would make it out of there. Not the crowd that I am used to dealing with…and how would be protect one another? Brett and I (and again, I know that revelation about me might surprise you) aren’t quite known for our kung-fu abilities! So here we are, the two silliest kids ever, sitting on a concrete block in the middle of the Ghetto. I am talking about how much I hate what this chick was wearing and Brett is discussing the fact that he stole the current shirt is wearing from Ferdie.

Jesus, we were asking to be beat up.

Ohh...but we did come home to a swarm of cops around our neighborhood! Craziness. I am sure it wasn't gun shots ala Anne's neighborhood...(where do you live Anne, anyway? Orleans and Elm?) but it was a lot of po-lice action going on!

Italian phrase of the post:
I do not have any money, please do not hit me in the face.
Non ho qualunque denaro, per favore non colpirme nella faccia