Themes From The In Crowd

"La vita vivente sulle prime linee" Living life on the front lines... Musings from a Midwest Girl...


Showtime Snyergy

This is a little late, I know…but I had to wait until I was able to get pictures to post because what is the sense in talking about Halloween if you do not talk about my fabu costume?! And then of course you would say “molly molly we want to see your fabu costume” and I would have to say “sorry kids, my roommate has not loaded the photos onto the computer yet b/c when he was cleaning his room last night he put his camera into a drawer and forgot which one”. But now the camera has been found so I can say “Commence with the photos!!” (and wave my hand in a very “Evita-like” fashion)

Halloween was a great time filled with female Hugh Heffners (graduate of the University of Illinois-go Illini), male playboy bunnies, people dressed as kegs of beer (that actually dispensed alcohol), mucho alcohol, hot men, house parties and a random bar. 15,000 drunk dials later I wound up at home again…hoping that my headache would cease…

Halloween actually started when Brett and I took a trip to JoAnne fabrics on Friday night (as we were both staying in) where we promptly found the material for my costume. Perfection! We bought the necessary accoutrements that every 80’s rocker needs and then the safety pins in which to create this masterpiece. We did all of this while Brett was being ogled by some older gay men who had costumes that we could not figure out. We returned home to make this costume a reality…and what a reality it was…


That’s right friends, I was Jem, of “Jem and the Holograms” fame. Such creative goodness can only come out of me once a year and this was totally worth expending that quotient. Brett was a magical dress maker! Reminiscent of the mice in Cinderella, he reminded me that there are so many reasons why a girl is lucky to have a gay best friend who loves costumes! Fan-tas-tique!

The house party was great, the company was fantastic and the random bar afterwards was a blast. All in all it was a wonderful drunken night and a great first Halloween in the city!


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