Themes From The In Crowd

"La vita vivente sulle prime linee" Living life on the front lines... Musings from a Midwest Girl...


I passed!

You Passed 8th Grade Math
Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct!
Could You Pass 8th Grade Math?


Encyclopedia Explorations of Magic and Wonder

Brett and I were looking online in the encyclopedia/dictionary for a word that he made up while sitting in our living room...being the incredibly self-involved people that we are, we naturally looked up our names in the encyclopedia. My enteries were not that exciting...however...

Brett's was magical...ever so true...and almost seemed like fate...

Brettanomyces is a single-celled fungus that is important in brewing and winemaking as it is resistant to alcohol so can grow even after fermentation starts. It is often shortened to brett.
wine it is often regarded as a wine fault although in low levels it adds a lot of character to red wines. Some wines, such as Chateau Musar contain high levels, giving them a very distinctive character.
beer it is more common, and is found for example in Guinness.

In case you have never seen him, this is what my roommate looks like:

In college I hung out with Rugby players during my Freshman and Sophomore year. There is a reason that I stopped…they drink too much.

Now, I can hold my own. I am a girl who enjoys the occasional night of crazy partying, I enjoy beer and I like the feeling of knowing that you partied hard and had a great time the evening before. With all that said, however, I do not like doing it every night, anymore. There was a time in my life when Kristen and I would leave the dorms at 5pm on a Friday and really only return for a little sleep and some lunch during the entire weekend…Monday morning we would be back at class knowing we had consumed enough R&Rs mugs full of beer to get a small country drunk. Usually we were in the presence of Rugby players when all of this happened.

This new guy…he tosses around the oddly shaped ball on a pitch and he drinks like those in college used to do. Can I hang. Maybe not…maybe not…I thought that I could, but two nights putting me up mid-week past the 3am mark, a visit to my apt. on Friday night and a few drunk dials from him this weekend tell me that I will never be able to hang with this crowd.

At 25 have I gotten too old? It was once there…I could party my ass off. Did I party it clear off my body, no where to be found? Not to be resurrected?

Part of me thinks that at 25 I do not want the drama that come with the all night all week partying. With that amount of alcohol consumption also comes crying, fights, make-out sessions (or more) with random men, drunk dials to people you should have taken out of your phone book years ago, professions of undying love, dancing on bars, an inordinate amount of burritos at 2am, puking, not knowing where you are when you wake up in the morning, hang-overs, forehead slappers, the smell of smoke in your hair for days to come, and then the inevitable desire to crawl under your covers and not do anything for the rest of the day.

I speak from experience.

I fear that being with this new guy might require picking up my old habits and although at 20 I hoped I would never say this…maybe those habits are better left buried. I certainly feel better now then I did then and I know I feel like less of an ass throughout the day now. Certainly less forehead slappers. Maybe he is worth reverting back? Maybe it is too soon to tell…


This is literally the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard of...and therefore had to share it. I found the link on "the Gawker" and proceeded to read it in a horrified manner in which one keeps staring at a car accident on the road...I couldn't stop...

I should have been tipped off when I read that these Fleur Delacour look-a-likes were named Lamb and Lynx...what kind of nonsense is that? How could you been anything but uber-christian, white-pride and sociopathic with those names?! I cannot believe that someone makes money off of is disgusting. honestly...i just do not understand how parents can teach their children these things. My favorite part is when these ever so clever girls say "we want to stay white" as if they will all of a sudden turn another color. Home-schooling by a "white pride" mother does not a mensa candidate make.

see for yourself.


the babe has arrived!

My sister finally had her baby on Tuesday. YAY! Preston William was born at 5:02pm on Tuesday evening, weighing in at 8lbs and 11oz. He is a dream and mother and son are doing very well.

It is my first time being an aunt. I am so excited!

He is the cutest!



Am I back in the dorms?!

Hi, have we met? My name is Molly circa Freshman year of college and apparently I decided to resurface last night.

Last night was c-r-a-z-y and way too much fun for a Tuesday night when I have to work the next morning. In college we used to say that Tuesdays were the only true week night and therefore you had to stay in and study…apparently that rule went by the wayside last night.

We went out for my friend Kortney’s birthday and met some people for drinks at SoPo…well 6 hours later I returned to my apartment drunk and ready for bed! There was a special on Guinness and choco-martini’s. We all had quite a bit to drink and there was merriment to be had, but I had anticipated going home around 10pm or so. Apparently that was not in the plans of the rest of the crowd. We continued to drink and until someone decided that we should go to Trader Todd’s for Karaoke. Who’s genius idea that was, I don’t know…but I will not be thanking them for it any time soon. Trader Todds, for those of you that don’t know, is a stupid ass bar with very bright colors and a “tiki” theme. When I pass it I always think “what tools would ever go to that bar”, now I am one of those tools.

Many birthday shots and beers later Trader Todd’s was a bad-singing delight filled with…well…almost no one but us.

On top of all of this I hooked me a rugby player- haha. This is where the freshman year comes into play. When Kristen and I were freshman at U of I we spent all of our time at R&Rs and because of that we became big fans of the Fightin’ Illini Rugby club. They resurfaced last night thanks to Meg and they are now playing for the Southside Irish Rugby club. Oh God…what a mess. They are lovely men that have beer in their glasses and craziness in their hearts…and apparently a love for Irish women named Molly. Trouble with a capital T and I am experiencing what one might call a “forehead slapper moment” as I write this. I happened to meet a lovely young man named Sean who played Rugby for Notre Dame. I do believe that we will be going out for more beer this evening. All I know is that it would be detrimental to my professional health for me to get mixed up with Rugby players again…I would be drunk all the friggin time.

Alright, I am to hungover to continue…I can’t even keep the story straight or interesting. When did I become the girl who was so old and so far out of college that she gets hangovers now? Ugh. Coffee me stat.


I ran into an ex-boyfriend on the streets of Chicago today. I had no idea that he was in Chicago still and I found out (by glancing down at his hands because it seems my new obsession is trying to find a ring on the finger of every guy I meet) that he is married. Married?! Now, this guy is nothing better then an asshole. He is what would be considered, in all cultures and languages, a tool. So, the question I pose is…How is this jackass married and I am not?!

It isn’t as if I want to be hitched, but I don’t even have a prospect in line…so how has he managed that nonsense? I mean really…

I take comfort in the fact that I am an all around better person then he and that while I am basking in the glory of a wondrous afterlife, he will probably rotting in H-E-L-L but that does not solve the problem at hand.

I am perplexed and will post something more interesting later on in the day.

Italian Phrase of the Post (it has been awhile…I swear I will start this again!) :

That is a beautiful diamond ring
“ciò è un bell'anello di diamante”

Yes, I will marry you
“sì, la sposerò”


oh yes...and referencing the picture of the kid on the cover below:

baby soft skin and a puka shell necklace does not a homo make, my friends...

what the hell Time?!

So I got a voicemail from my older brother Sean today and he said that I need to check out the current cover of Time Magazine because apparently they stole my tag line to Themes From the In Crowd. Well, I check it out online and lo and behold they scripted “on the front lines"...well...clearly the folks at Time are checking out my blog, and although I appreciate the attention I would ask that they stop bogarting my phrases. What is this all about Time? Are we going to have to have a "dance off" to settle this La Lohan the place the place!

I do, however, find it molto divertente that they decided to steal my phrase to use in conjunction with a cover story on "Gay Teens" seems my life was surrounded by "Gay Teens" and now they have just grown up a little to be "Gay Twenty-somethings"...will that be the next cover that Time uses to steal one of my phrases?

Well played Time, well played indeed.


i can feel is calling...

I am feeling it. It could be the change in the temperature, the coloring of the leaves, the aura of fall upon us, but I am feeling it. I have the itch of change creeping up my body. I want to find a new place to live, a new job…perhaps immerse myself in a culture I do not know about. I have heard that this happens to people that have lived abroad or have been on the move for awhile, this feeling comes about when life gets a little boring. If you do not care about being far away, if you have moved once and loved it, then the only option to spice up your life again is to voyage. Find new places, experience new things, make another city yours and feel the thrill of making new friends and perhaps learning a new language. There is nothing quite like it. Sometimes the itch can be subdued with travel or a new hobby, but it always returns. That crazy north wind whispering in your ear of places yet unseen and people still to meet.

Regeneration in the form of a new locale. It is tickling me and tugging on my pant legs while I try to shake it off. Feelings of responsibility: a lease, a roommate, a job, loans…they play in your mind hoping that it will cause the wind to subside but really only making it worse. A call to slough off the pangs of adulthood and digress…

I am hoping that I can hold out a bit longer and maybe the mood will pass. Eventually it crawls back into your mind and you are able to stay put for awhile longer. I am not ready to leave, not ready to head back on the hostel beat making my way through foreign countries alone. A new adventure must strike soon…hopefully one within the city limits so that I may remain stable for as long as possible. When it becomes too much I suppose it is back to finding something that will catch my fancy. Anyone up for a little fun?!


compliments of Anne's blog....

10 years ago I was:
Fourteen and in my freshman year of high school
Hating my parents for sending me to a Catholic School
In love with Chris Kerpan
In full Hippy mode (tie-dyes, cords, hemp, Janis Joplin)
Probably High…

5 years ago I was:
Relishing my new “no Friday” class schedule
Living in a triple in LAR with crazy Amanda Hazelip
Joining a sorority (gasp!)
Still not sure what my major was going to be
Probably hung over

1 year ago I was:
Wanting to return to Italy more then I had anticipated
Working in a job I hated with people I despised
Having horrible gallbladder pains at night.
Hanging out at the local pub and not finding anyone worth my time
Planning to move to Arizona

Yesterday I:
Was in a foul mood
Was trying to find a part-time job that might be interesting
Got excited about the possibility of going to AZ for X-Mas break.
Talked to a good friend in Cairo
Went to bed at 9:30pm.

5 snacks I enjoy:
Snack Packs
Peanuts missed with Raisins
Nilla wafers
Animal Crackers
Apples and honey

5 songs I know all the words to:
Sweet Baby James-James Taylor
Anna Begins-Counting Crows
Sugar Magnolia-Grateful Dead
3X5-John Mayer
Wake Up-Hillary Duff (oh yes…La Duff)

5 things I would do with 100 million dollars:
Pay off my loans
Take my entire family to Ireland and then Jen and I relive our trip back to Italy!
Set up a college fund for anyone in my family who wanted it (esp. new baby Rupert!!)
Give Sean and Wee the wedding of their dreams (and a honey moon to match!) where ever they wanted!
Let Brett quit his job so that he could devote all of his time to looking for a new one OR pay for him to go back to law school so he didn’t have to worry about loans.

5 places I would run away to:
Sienna, Italy
Flagstaff, Az.
St. Johns
Capri (as in the Island of…)
Boulder, Co.

5 things I would never wear:
Black Jeans
White Jeans
Spandex of any sort
A tube top
Knee length shorts

5 favorite TV shows:
Grey’s Anatomy
The West Wing
Sex and the City (yes, still)
Gilmore Girls
Laguna Beach

5 bad habits:
Scratching my arms
Gnawing at the skin around my nails
Leaving the dishes too long in the sink
Not putting my clothes back on the hanger

5 biggest joys:
Not setting an alarm on the weekend
Knowing that I will be an aunt by the end of the month!
Going to see movies in Lincoln Square with my roomie
Knowing that I am good at what I do
Reading the New York Times front to back on a weekend morning

5 fictional characters I would date:
Josh from The West Wing
Rhett Bulter-Gone with the Wind
Dave Eggers (ala somewhat fictional HBWOSG) but I would date the real Dave as well!
Henry-A Secret History
Dr. Shephard-Grey’s Anatomy

5 people I *recommend* to do this:
Tariina (over email even if you don’t have a blog)
Anyone else!!


I do not feel good today and it has nothing to do with my physical body, I think that my soul is a bit sick. Perhaps it has a 24 hour bug or ate something funny last night, but it is a little under the weather. I feel not quite right and I do not know how to be more descriptive. Nothing exceptionally bad has happened today, nothing out of the ordinary in terms of stress or demands but I am downtrodden and emotional.

I think that I can pinpoint the cause…I have been incommunicado with a close friend. In not exactly a fight, but a tiff involving friendship type situations. I have not spoken with him in a week and I think I caused the problem. I want a remedy but I do not have one, I want to know what I did wrong but do not want to ask and most importantly I want an end but cannot find the light.

Too bad there are no antibiotics that I can take to alleviate this situation…no good for the soul night-time and day-time mixed gel-tabs with a single dose in the foil packets. I just hope the sickness passes quickly because I am certain that Blue Cross Blue Shield does not cover this.


Molly Cocktail Anyone?

How to make a molly
5 parts success
1 part courage
1 part beauty
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little emotion if desired!
Ohh...that is very nice of them to say :-)



I know this may come as a shock to all of you...

Taradise: E!'s Wild On Series with Tara Reid

has been cancelled.

I am inconsolable. Why E!? Why?

Maybe Brett could take over?

Brettadise: E!'s Wild On Series with Brett

See my roomies link (on the side of the page) to see what else he has done lately :-)


Lunch and the City

Le French and I went to lunch today. I believe that today was one of the last nice days for a long time. Well, nice enough that you can sit outside. So we went to Millennium Park to have lunch at the café. It was truly what one might call a “Chicago Experience”. I caught myself in awe of the beauty of the surrounding city. There I was, sitting in the middle of the park with striking works of architecture surrounding me. They engulf you almost as if they are giving a strong hug…make you feel safe from the ailments… whatever those might be. The park is an architectural wonder in itself and everywhere you turn there are families, lovers and singletons basking in the “art in the park” feel.

So we dined amidst tourists and business men alike. Both dressed for work but our attitudes were less then professional. Believe it or not, he had a hotdog which I found charming and I had quiche…yes…I am that girl who orders quiche. But it was good quiche. So we chatted and caught up. Me with my city nonsense and him with his, well, French nonsense. Guess who won the interesting contest.

So while the city buzzed around us I found that the little bee got caught in my head. I couldn’t stop thinking about how much I really wanted to like this guy but I just cannot. Why? He is single, successful, intelligent and most importantly he likes me and isn’t afraid to tell me. But of course (said in a kicky French accent) I cannot get behind the Le French wheel. Everyone keeps telling me that I should have fun and play it out until it becomes to much, but really, when does it become too much? Once you realize that this person isn’t for you, is there ever really hope that you will suddenly think that they are?

I do not have an answer to all of this and it is beyond me why I cannot like this man who thinks that I am great. I guess for now I will keep this Sex and the City moment for what it is and enjoy the early stages and pseudo French Mr. Big to my not as snappily dressed Carrie Bradshaw and hope that I fall head over Manolo Blahnik heels for this man very soon.

I don't have a good Italian Phrase so I will post one tomorrow.


the Wee and I

Did I tell you that my brother, Sean, is getting married to one of my oldest friends? I am so excited! Anyway...I thought you should all see how pretty she is...and I happened to have this picture on my computer so I wanted to post something and figured "why not the Wee and I"? Her name is Tariina and as of Sept. 2, 2006 she will by Ryan's and my new sister. Woo! Woo! We are so lucky to have such a great addition to our family. The Wee is the best and we are sooo happy to have her!!

How can you nominate someone to the Supreme Court when they have never been a judge? I don't understand why someone's policy or communications director didn't say "hey, this might not play well in the press"...the American people might not enjoy this little decision.

It is always "just one"

One beer…that is what we had intended to have. Well, 6 hours and a rousing rendition of “Popular” from Wicked, later I finally made it home.

I met a friend from work at the Addison stop on Friday. Intending to give her the keys to her apt. and then head on home for a night in front of the TV. K asked me if I wanted to go get a beer and I thought “ahh, what can one beer hurt”. Well, as always proven, it is never just one beer. We picked up her husband at home and off we went to the Full Shilling in Wrigleyville.

I enjoyed it, it had the Pub/college bar feel and there weren’t many people inside. But, then again, it was 5:30 on a Friday so how many people should have been there? The thing that made me LOVE the Full Shilling was that they have “Table Tappers”. Literally 8 glasses of beer brought to your table in what looks like an actual Bong with a tap attached to the bottom of it. 8 glasses of Domestic beer for $15.00?! You can’t beat that with a stick, as Nick Yon used to say. We opted for PBR as that is my favorite…if you recall AHird, KKruise, JSchuldt and I are all card carrying members of the “PBRmeASAP” club. Anyway, 2 Blue Moons and 2 Table Tappers later we leave the Full Shilling hoping for a good time somewhere else. Trace was our next stop and as “club-y” as the outside looks, the inside is fairly chill. We drank a bit there and then decided that it was just plain time to go. We were all fairly drizunk and I was looking to get home.

I caught up with Brett and Joe at the Addison red-line stop where I am CERTAIN they enjoyed every minute of me being wee-diddly wasted and them being stone-cold sober. Brett convinced me to do a rendition of “Popular” (including dancing mind you) and I know that there were other people on the train platform watching me. I believe a long walk (and a very drunk dial to Erskine later…oh drunk dials to Erskine how I miss thee.) I was home and in bed…trashed. I woke up still drunk and I am sure that if a cop had pulled me over the next morning I would have gotten a DUI…there is no way that alcohol was out of my system.

Italian Phrase of the Post...let's go with lines from the actual song:
"I want to be pop-u-lar"
"Voglio essere pop-o-lare"

"Little ways to flirt and flouce"
"le piccole maniere al flirt e lo scatto"