Themes From The In Crowd

"La vita vivente sulle prime linee" Living life on the front lines... Musings from a Midwest Girl...


So I was looking on the home computer for some pictures to download from our "my pics" file. As you can see from previous posts I am using the same damn picture over and over again.

It was great to back through the pictures from the year. As B and I are getting ready to move to a different location is it quite endearing to see the pictures of our first night in Chicago in our first apartment in the city. I honestly can say that it has been a great year and so much happened. We had such great times at our little apartment and I hope that our new one brings us just as much joy. Hopefully we get the place we have found and love (I don't want to say too much about it for fear that I will jinx!) and hopefully things stay on the same fantastic track they are on now!

I did notice in our pictures that there are just as many effing pictures of Minda and the BFF as there are of B and I. would think that these folks spend every weekend in the Chi. I did find two that I particularly love and as I have no real post, I thought I would share those and call it a day!

They are drunkards :-) This was the night of the elephant glass and Mr. Outlaw. I assure you this came right before or right after one of them making fun of the other and failing their arms about impersonating Brett.

Below could quite possibly be one of my favorite pictures ever it looks as if the BFF is saying:

"ohh Brett is drunk and I totally know a secret about him...i know he is so going home with the guy in the pink shirt over there" OR "I am totally going to kill Brett tonight especially if he pulls that falling in and out of the bathroom tub nonsense, again. This kid is dunzo. Where's my blowup mattress?!" And Brett is saying "I hope that I get a housecoat for Christmas...I love Molly's. Damn, I cannot believe that Molly is making out with another straight guy in the middle of boystown! Where.does.she.find.them?"