Themes From The In Crowd

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Drinking in your homeroom, anyone?

My parents sent me to a wonderful Catholic High School in the Northern Suburbs and the benefits that I gained from that experience are incredible. I am a much better person because of the things that I learned and the friendships that I made at Carmel. Because of that, I try to give back in any way that I can monetarily and with my very precious time. This was one of those weekends that not only did I give Carmel a little kickback of funds, but they gave me a great opportunity as well.

Carmel closes down the second week in February and revamps itself for the Street Scenes fundraiser. The kids all join in and help while many parents and faculty/staff pitch in as well. The school opens its doors on Friday and Saturday with bands, restaurants, a student show, beautiful decorations and much alcohol. Yes…I said Alcohol. Because where would the Catholics be without their beer?!

Lauren, Mrs. D, Judy and Suzanne and I went to Street Scenes to take in the glory of a bunch of North Shore parents and teachers getting tipsy in their children’s high school hallways. My friend Christine’s brother always described how weird it was by saying “you can never capture the feeling you have when you turn 21 and are able to go back and drink in your homeroom”. Indeed…indeed.

After a couple martini’s, some beer and wine and a few spouts of dancing in the “Carmel Café” we were on a roll and looking for some people that we knew. A lot of kids from high school go back and enjoy Street Scenes, so you are always able to find someone. There were a couple people…no one that I particularly enjoyed but it was good to see familiar faces. Lauren and I were surprised at how odd it was that so many people stayed friends with their groups from high school. We pretty much hang out with each other and I have a couple of friend who were older then me, but besides that I don’t talk to or fraternize with anyone from CHS. We were fearsome that people would think that we had become lesbian lovers and not be surprised by it…whenever we go back to school we are always together. My friends are from college and I kind of like that they didn’t know me when I was a druggy hippy girl.

I will tell you this, it gives you good perspective. We saw a girl who is our age, graduated from college got married right away and is now having her 2nd baby. All I could think is “thank God that isn’t me”. Isn’t that horrible?! I went back and found that I was completely happy and proud to tell people what I am doing, where I am and who I have become. That is a great feeling. Everyone asks what you are up to…trying to get the dirt…but Lauren and I didn’t feel like we had to lie or stretch the truth. We love who we are. Realizing that is worth the $25 ticket and an overpriced martini.


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