Themes From The In Crowd

"La vita vivente sulle prime linee" Living life on the front lines... Musings from a Midwest Girl...


Friday of Dueling and Shots

Most of the time I don’t feel the need to recap the weekend events as it usually does not involve much, however Friday was quite the debacle and therefore I feel I should share.

Friday started out as any normal day…I woke up, thought about calling in sick and then decided I should get my lazy ass out of bed and get on over to the South Loop. Work was great and topped off by Meg stopping by to ask some of us to go to an art opening for one of her friends. The gallery is in the Fine Arts building on Michigan which is such a beautiful place (and a Chicago landmark!).

The champagne was flowing and the conversation with some cute Italian men kept us there for awhile. I had every intention of going home (in fact I made Brett promise that he would not let me go out that night) and staying home that night until Meg asked if I wanted to go out to Dueling Pianos at Sluggers. (clearly Brett failed to keep me home).

A quick stop by home and we were back on the town. The evening at Sluggers started with just Meg and I doing shots and drinking Jack and Cokes at the bar downstairs. A couple of Jaeger bombs later we made our way upstairs to the Dueling Pianos where we danced and flirted with the piano guys…one of which strangely reminded me of my brother-in-law
Jeff…there were two-step lessons, ball-room dancing and some booty shaking. I believe the Northwestern fight song was thrown in there somewhere and we certainly did complain about the opposite sex a lot!

Completely wasted we tumbled over to the Shilling to meet Hugo and Gina for some shots and beer. It was there that I met Meg’s friend, the famed “Santa”…a name every so fitting because he really does look like a non-grey version of Santa. (side note for Lauren and Vikas, he looked A LOT like hottie Benji from Chem. E. ahhh Benji!) We continued to get wasted and I believe that Gina did some Karaoke and although I didn’t see her do it, I am positive that Meg did Karaoke, too!

I stumbled home (literally)…Brett says I was incredibly loud coming into the house and was absolutely still wasted the next morning. The entire night it was just Meg and I for the most part, and for a night that I had not intended to even leave the house, it was pretty crazy


  • At mercoledì, febbraio 08, 2006 1:04:00 PM, Blogger brett said…

    you cunt.

    i didn't fail.

    i reminded quite harshly on the phone you weren't supposed to be going anywhere...

    plus, you didn't come home before you went out... it's hard for me to lock you in the tower if you're nowhere near it.

  • At giovedì, febbraio 09, 2006 8:57:00 AM, Blogger .25 life crisis kid said…

    oh brett always instigating or at least mind melding some sort of cork popping incident leaving this poor girl hopeless to it's powers!

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